1116 Computational Approaches to Designing and Fabricating Robots

Stelian Coros, ETH Zurich
Cynthia Sung, University of Pennsylvania
Digital fabrication is unmatched in its ability to create complex geometric structures, offers an ever-expanding range of materials (rigid, compliant, conductive, etc), can make one-off parts at virtually no extra cost, and is increasingly accessible to non-experts. These exciting capabilities promise to give rise to entirely new types of robots that approach the complexity of biological systems in both form and function. Furthermore, thanks to digital fabrication, tomorrow’s robots may be created on demand, according to individual needs and preferences.

To leverage the benefits that 3D Printing is bringing to the field of robotics, however, there is a need for new computational methods that aid in navigating the vast design spaces enabled by digital fabrication. To this end, the “Computational Approaches to Designing and Fabricating Robots” mini-symposium seeks to bring together researchers studying the following topics:

• Rapid Design and Fabrication methods for Robotics
• Personalized mechanisms and robotics
• Hardware/software co-design and optimization
• Characterization, modeling and design of bio-inspired 3D printable structures
• Soft materials, actuators and sensors
• Engineered materials that enable robots to change appearance, stiffness, shape, etc