1705 Geomechanics of Land and Sea Ice

Irina Tezaur, Sandia National Laboratories
Mauro Perego, Sandia National Laboratories
Kara Peterson, Sandia National Laboratories
Land and sea ice are important components of the global climate system. Accurate modeling of the geomechanics of land and sea ice is critical, as it can direct infrastructure planning and inform public policy. Simulation of large ice sheets, e.g., Greenland and Antarctica, is essential for projections of anticipated 21st century sea level change; simulation of sea ice is equally important: the significant decline of Arctic sea ice in recent decades has implications for the global climate as well as regional geopolitics. Although progress has been made in the field of ice modeling in recent years, a lot of exciting and innovative theoretical as well as computational research is underway for improving the fidelity of existing geomechanics-based models of land and sea ice.

This minisymposium will consist of talks describing novel geomechanics-based models/formulations of ice and efficient computational methodologies for discretizing/solving these models. Some of the topics covered will include: new discretizations for land and sea ice models; mechanics of the marginal ice zone; computations of adjustments of the Earth's lithosphere to loading/unloading due to changes in ice sheet mass distribution; mechanics-based formulations of ice fracture/calving; novel
constitutive models for ice rheology/anisotropic dynamics; models of iceberg mélange/sea ice floes; multiscale methods for coupling ice physics containing different spatial/temporal scales; and new subglacial hydrology models. Also included will be presentations on efficient solvers/discretizations for geomechanics-based ice models, and advanced analysis techniques that can inform/enhance these models, e.g., approaches for initialization/calibration, uncertainty quantification and data  assimilation.