308 Emerging Trends in Extended and Generalized Finite Element Methods

Giulio Ventura, Politecnico di Torino
John Dolbow, Duke University
Elena Benvenuti, University of Ferrara
Finite elements based on partition of unity enrichment techniques, like the X-FEM and G-FEM, have witnessed remarkable success and expansion over the last decade. This Minisymposium is focused on bringing together researchers working on these and related methods to discuss a number of emerging trends, including:

- specialized formulations for handling weak and strong interface problems;
- new approximation methods for cracks and material interfaces;
- techniques for transitioning from continuous to discontinuous behavior;
- special enrichment functions for fracture problems;
- techniques for improving system conditioning;
- quadrature methods for enriched elements.

The Minisymposium aims to collect contributions defining the state of the art in the above developments as well as to present and discuss newly emerging areas of research. Both theoretical and computational contributions are welcome in this mini-symposium, as well as new applications that drive the need for further innovations.